Free42 decimal
Free42 decimal

free42 decimal
  1. #Free42 decimal upgrade#
  2. #Free42 decimal series#

Peripherals: HP 82240A infrared printer.

#Free42 decimal upgrade#

  • Expandability: Officially no other than IR printing (32 KB memory upgrade and over-clocking hardware hacks are possible).
  • As this calculator is regarded amongst the best ever made in terms of quality, key stroke feel, ease of programming, and daily usability for engineers, in the HP calculator community the 42S has become famous for its high prices in online auctions, up to several times its introduction price, which has created a scarcity for utility end users. Additionally, it features a two-line dot matrix display, which made stack manipulation easier to understand. The 42S, however, has a much smaller form factor than the 41, and features many more built-in functions, such as a matrix editor, complex number support, an equation solver, user-defined menus, and basic graphing capabilities (the 42S can draw graphs only by programs). Since it lacked expandability, and lacked any real I/O ability, both key features of the HP-41 series, it was marketed as an HP-15C replacement.

    #Free42 decimal series#

    * Added display option to show flags 0-4 at the top of the display if they are set.Perhaps the HP-42S was to be released as a replacement for the aging HP-41 series as it is designed to be compatible with all programs written for the HP-41. Swiping the LCD left or right performs these operations. * Added Undo and Redo functions for the stack. * Added hi-rez (retinal) key pad image for iPhone 4 * Compatibility with iOS4 including application switching and compatibility bugs * Program mode can now be scrolled with the menu active.

    free42 decimal

    * Added option to remove device status bar for a larger LCDĪdded additional lines to LCD modes, now supports up to 6 lines of stack, or 7 lines of program. * Added DROP command, executed by doube tapping the back key * Added option for no stack lift on Enter. Choose between the traditional (X, Y, Z, T) style stack, or a fully dynamic stack. * Added option for a dynamically sized stack. * Tap LCD in alpha entry mode to toggle the display of the iPhone keyboard. * Display last x register in the upper right hand corner of LCD * Double tap print output view to copy print contents * Sound tones mimic those of the original HP-42S * swipe LCD vertically on the right hand side to roll stack contents, or to scroll a program in program mode. * Double tap LCD to cut and paste one or more numbers from the stack, or paste one or more numbers to the stack * Swipe LCD vertically to get up to 7 lines of display. * Runs several orders of magnitude faster then the original calculator, including program execution, solving, integration, matrix operations, etc. * Use the iPhone keyboard for entering character data, or variable names. * Internally stores values and performs operations in 25 digit decimal precision. Packages are available for additional functionality including Engineering, Scientific, Financial, Statistical, etc. Additionally, several enhancements have been made over the original calculator such as additional precision and the ability to import and export programs. This calculator provides all the functionality of the original 42S with several hundred functions, programability, printer output, etc. There are no ROMs or emulators involved allowing 42s to run natively and fast. 42s is an iPhone port of Thomas Okken's excellent and stable Free42, a complete re-implementation of the highly praised HP-42S RPN calculator.

    Free42 decimal